Quicksearch allows for a flexible structure to create smart surveys for websites, intranets, and mobile apps. To succeed in this, there are a number of tips for responsive web surveys.
There are two main tracks to follow when creating web surveys:
- Channels
- Script
Channels make it easy to set up new surveys in different parts of, for example, a website. Rules can be used to control which sections of the website should have a survey, which should not, and rules to not always ask all visitors on every visit. Channels are activated by adding a simple JavaScript code to your website. This code can either be anonymous or you can choose to inform the survey about who the visitor is, for example, to create smarter surveys or analyses.
With channels, you can control basic functionality such as the size of the survey area and how the survey should be displayed - for example, in the middle of the page or at the bottom of the page. It is also possible to create feedback buttons with channels. The JavaScript code is easily retrieved inside the tool and can be shared with, for example, webmasters, IT departments, or development teams.
For those who want to be able to control their surveys in much more detail, it is possible to implement more advanced scripts described at https://dm.quicksearch.se/developer/
With the help of these scripts, the survey can be built in as part of your application and can be triggered at any event in your website/application and report back when the survey is completed. All settings for the survey are controlled from the script code because it in this case should be part of your website/application.
Read more about getting started with digital channels