From our integration engine, you can receive messages about the status of file uploads to the integration. There are different levels for when messages should be sent. These warning levels are described below.
Basically, a user who chooses to receive messages at a higher level (e.g. critical errors) will never receive messages at a lower level (e.g. warnings), while those who choose to receive a lower level (warnings or information) will also receive the more serious messages. Thus, the user chooses the lowest level of error message they want to listen to.
Warning Levels
Critical Error.
This is the highest warning level. A serious error occurs during upload. This could mean that data has not been received and technical troubleshooting is needed. An example is trying to change dates or calculate time on a field that contains an email address. The system cannot handle the problem, requiring manual intervention.
An error occurred during data reception, and in the case of file upload, the entire file is blocked.
Examples of errors include receiving a file of the wrong type or format compared to what was agreed upon. Examples include sending an Excel file instead of CSV or a JPG instead of Excel.
A file expected to be in place is missing at the time of upload, or a line in a file cannot be interpreted, or a required field is empty or has the wrong format.
This usually does not mean that the entire file is blocked, but individual records are incorrect, or there may be a problem with a particular transfer.
It is possible to control much of the warnings in the setup:
- Whether to warn if a file is missing (to detect if the integration has broken on the sender side)
- Whether to warn if large parts of the content in a file are blocked by rules (to capture problems with the content of data)
- Whether to warn if no data has been received during the day (suitable for e.g. web service)
This level is used to inform about events that occur. For example, that an upload has occurred and that it has been successful.
Detailed Information.
This is the lowest warning level. This level is used for troubleshooting if an upload does not work as expected. It can describe the individual steps that occur in an upload.
Custom Warnings.
It is also possible to set up completely custom dynamic rules that send warnings if, for example, a combination of fields is empty or email fields lack necessary characters.
When such a rule is set up, it is possible to control at which level the warning should be. For example, if both mobile phone number and email are missing, a warning should be sent because the system cannot send the survey anywhere.
Specific Case - Warnings for File Uploads Occurring Only Once a Month.
If there is an upload that occurs only rarely, it is important to be careful about when the transfer should take place if you want warnings on them.
If it is not possible to control exactly when the upload should take place, it may be appropriate to turn off automated warnings and monitor manually.
Warnings for Files Sent Rarely or Ad Hoc
An example of a setup is agreeing that uploads should only occur "Monday every 4th week." If you do that, you can maintain automated monitoring, and the system will only warn when the file should have been in place but was not. Set upload only on Mondays and with 28 days between each upload.
If you cannot control exactly when the upload occurs, such as "The first of every month" or "at the beginning of the month," it is appropriate to monitor differently as it is a periodicity we do not have naturally in the system.