Quicksearch supports sending SMS through a third-party provider if you have one. We use the standard format SMPP to send SMS messages, and to activate it, we need login credentials to your SMPP server. The required information includes: Server, Port, Login, Password, and through contact with your account manager, the service can be set up and tested.
If you do not have your own SMS provider, all accounts with Quicksearch are pre-configured to be able to send SMS via the provider that Quicksearch uses.
By sending out SMS surveys, you have the opportunity to send both links to surveys and also create surveys that can be answered directly via SMS.
Limitations with your own provider
It's possible that your provider limits the ability for SMS recipients to directly respond to the survey by sending back the response via SMS. This depends on the capabilities and settings available with your provider.
Advantages of having your own provider
If you already have an agreement with a provider, or already have your own SMS servers, it's possible that due to volumes, you have a more advantageous price per sent SMS than what Quicksearch can offer.