The system has functionality for automatically purging personal information.
Purging can occur for background variables per respondent, such as email address, name, and similar information, and on open text responses from surveys.
Purging can occur at a specific time, where the user accesses a recipient group in DialogManager and selects to purge the personal information.
Purging can occur automatically after a certain period, when the data about the individual has not changed within a predetermined timeframe.
Background variables to be purged
To choose which data should be automatically purged, check the background variables that contain personal information under the background variables tab in DialogManager. Some background variables are automatically marked as personal information and cannot be unchecked. These are data such as name, email, and mobile phone number, all of which are personal information.
Open text questions to be purged
When creating or editing an open text question in DialogManager, you have the option to control how the question treats personal information.
The options are:
- The system automatically inserts a message instructing the respondent not to enter personal information in the field.
- You can formulate a message yourself explaining how personal information will be handled in the field.
- Or the question is automatically marked as personal information and purged after the period you have specified in the system.