When Analytics combines questions, it follows the following order:
Identify questions to combine:
- Questions with the same ID number in Dialog Manager (DM) will be the same question in Analytics. This means that if you have imported a question from another survey, copied another survey while keeping the original questions, or created multiple publications with the same dialogue.
- Questions with the same question header will be the same question in Analytics. Question headers are phased out and will only apply to old surveys.
- Questions with the same result header will be the same question in Analytics.
Identify answer options to combine:
- If it is a scale question - combine based on the same scale value. For example, Scale Value 6 from one survey will be the same as Scale Value 6 in another survey even if the answer options have different text.
- Combine if there is the same text in the question in the language set in Analytics.
- Otherwise - create a new answer option.
Effects that this can have are that you have two questions with the same result header, and one goes from scale value 1,2,3,4,5, and the other goes from scale 1,2,3,4,5,6. Then, the question in Analytics will have a scale of 1-6, but no one will have answered option "6" in the first question (1-5). Therefore, it is very important that scale questions to be combined have the same scale since you cannot mix different scales in the same question.