Drivers are a way to gather feedback on many areas without asking many questions to the respondent. The purpose is to identify practical and detailed points that positively or negatively impact the customer journey.
Things to Consider
The customer journey includes many things that happen before, after, and parallel to a company's own processes. It is easy to perceive that a customer journey for a hotel begins where your own processes begin. For example, for a hotel, it might start at check-in, while the customer journey begins already at the first thought of traveling, at booking, at pre-trip communication, but also how easy it is to find the hotel and how secure the parking feels. Things that may not be part of your own processes but that affect the customer's experience. These are things that then affect the customer's judgment of you.
Quicksearch has ready-made customer journeys for several industries that apply to many businesses. They are, of course, generic and may miss things that are unique to you.
Identify Your Own Drivers
If you want to identify the drivers that are important to your customers in your context, a tip is to ask customers to describe what has influenced their assessment through a short survey, for example, with just the Net Promoter Score (NPS) question and a comment. After a period, use text analysis to identify the areas that constitute common drivers for your customers. By providing the option for an "Other" alternative, you can then add and optimize the drivers you present to the customer.