If you haven't received a survey that you were supposed to get, there can be several reasons for it.
Employee Survey
If it's an employee survey, the most common reason is that you haven't been added as a recipient in the organization, either intentionally, for example, if you are a new employee or on leave, there may be valid reasons not to receive a survey. In such cases, please contact HR to confirm whether you should receive a survey or if there might have been a mistake in the recipient handling.
You have recently received a similar survey
When we automatically conduct surveys after events like purchases, bookings, or customer service interactions, it is common to limit the distribution so that it doesn't happen too frequently and in a way that irritates the recipient. If you have recently received a survey, you have likely been blocked from receiving too many in a short period.
Your address is blocked
If your email address has been inactive for a period and there have been repeated attempts to send to it during the time it was inactive, we may have blocked it as malfunctioning. In such cases, please contact Quicksearch's support, and we can remove the block.
Email ended up in spam or other folders
It's possible that your organization's mail server has deemed the email as spam or of lower priority, and as a result, set it aside or blocked it. This can happen if there were incorrect senders set in the email or if the content of the invitation has been interpreted as spam for some reason. Common reasons can include certain phrases and addresses, such as noreply addresses. If that's the case, please inform the person who was supposed to send you the email that you haven't received it.