By clicking on a department in the organizational structure, you will see a list of all individuals within that department.
Adjust selection in selected department
If the department you have clicked into contains a large number of recipients, you can customize the selection using the search box at the top. There you can search for recipients based on different background variables.
Manage recipients
In the recipient list, you can choose to edit a person (make them managers, add information, change email address, etc.) by clicking on the pen icon:
If you choose to select the recipient(s) in the box on the left, 3 options will appear in the "Manage people" menu: Move to department, Change role, and Remove from department:
Move to department
Here you have the opportunity to move people if they should be in another department. Select the person(s) in the list and then click "Move to department". Then you can choose which department the individuals should be in (assuming you have permissions for the department).
Recipients can also be moved by dragging the recipient(s) to the desired level. Select the recipients you want to move and click on the icon to drag the individuals to the correct department:
Change role
Here you can choose to change the role (select or deselect recipients as managers) for your selected recipients. All individuals who are managers need to be marked as managers for the Quicksearch system to recognize them as managers and move their responses up one level in the hierarchy.
An important thing to keep in mind, if you want to be able to break down Managers/Staff in the result work, is that a manager should both have a background variable indicating that the recipient is a manager and have their role set to manager.
Remove from department
Individuals who are removed from the department will appear in "View unsorted individuals" under the "Organizational tree" menu and will be deleted when the survey is sent out. It is possible to move individuals back from unsorted to the organizational tree.
Create new recipients
You can also create new individuals who should belong to the group you have marked in the organizational tree. It is important to note that each email address must be unique for the recipient. There cannot be two (or more) recipients with the same email address. When you click "Create person", you will get a menu on the right where you can fill in background data that should be linked to the recipient. When you are done, click "Save person" at the bottom of the menu on the right. You can always change information afterwards.
Important to consider regarding background data
When editing or adding background data to recipients, it is important that it is written in the same way, otherwise data handling becomes difficult. For more information, read the article Update background data on respondents.