A lots guides the system on how your organization is structured and which individuals and departments exist within the organization. Usually, a lots is a manager or an HR employee.
What is a lots?
A lots is a user who has been granted permission to control and edit part of the organizational settings.
What does a lots do?
As a lots, you verify that the organization in the system matches reality.
If it matches reality, you approve what is in the system.
If any adjustments are needed, you have the authority to make them, such as moving incorrectly placed individuals, renaming departments with incorrect names, and more.
Logging in as a lots
When you log in to Quicksearch, click on the Edit icon under Organization to access your departments.
Working as a lots
Once you are in the system, you will see three different menus (see image below)
For more information on how to work as a lots in the different menus: